Five things to Expect when you Admit you’re a Writer

  I’ve always been a bit wary of blogging about my writing journey. I mean what could I possibly have to say that hasn’t been said – and far more eloquently – by writers who came before me. Probably better writers to. I mean, if Stephen King was in two minds about adding his experiences…

Throwback Thursday: The Rejection Code

(First published on my old blog 8th July 2013) Nobody like rejection. At least I have never encountered anyone who does. It would have to be a fairly rare fetish if it does exist independently of other factors. Writers, like brave souls returning to or continuing playing the dating game, probably make it fairly high…

Dissecting Dragons – hatching a podcast

  Today was an exciting new first as my fellow fantasy author, M. E. Vaughan, and I prepared for the launch of our new podcast. ‘Dissecting Dragons’ is aimed at fans of all forms of speculative fiction – fantasy, sci-fi, horror, dystopian, steam-punk – you name it and we’ll be discussing it. As we are…

Throw back Thursday: Wearing the Editor’s Hat

(Originally posted on my old blog 29th July 2014) So what have I been working on recently? Well it’s a bit of a step away from my forthcoming book and its sequels, but I’m really proud of the result. Here is a bit about this anthology of reflected tales, which will be available from amazon,…

Throwback Thursday: A Debut Author’s A B C of Publishing

Whether you want to be published traditionally or not, most of us are interested in what happens when you’ve crossed that fence. There have been some excellent posts on the mechanics of the publishing and I’m certain I can’t do any better. So here for your amusement is a series of observations from my first…

Readers’ Block: How to write a review

Why Write a Review; If you’re a writer, then you may well have no trouble coming up with an insightful, clear, entertaining and thought provoking review of whatever you have just finished reading. Well, maybe anyway. Ok some of the time. Er occasionally…? Because let’s face it, unless you are in good practice, writing a…

Throwback Thursday: First Choose your Victim

(First Published on my old blog 4th July 2013)   As an avid reader of …well pretty much anything, I often find myself thinking certain, repeated thoughts about a variety of Main Characters. ‘Why did you make that obviously foolish decision?’; ‘what are you doing that for?’; ‘You realize that you’ve brought all of this…

Throw back Thursday: Announcing the First Novel

(Originally posted on my old blog 29th July 2014 – how time flies. I can now look back on this with nostalgia and affection rather than terror 😉  ) Since the good folks at illusio and baqer have given the signal, I can now talk about my debut novel, I Belong to the Earth, which…

Evolution Point: An Author interview with Vanessa Wester

(Originally posted on my old blog 25th August 2014) This week I am pleased to welcome indie writer, multi-tasker and fellow red-head, Vanessa Wester as my guest. Vanessa and I met through the charity anthologies which she has produced in aid of such causes as NSPCC and Food Bank. Vanessa graciously allowed me to be…